Created to protect
We are your partner in increasing the corrosion resistance of metal parts
Our services
Paldiski Tsingipada AS is one of the largest providers of hot dip galvanizing and Duplex (zinc + paint) services in Scandinavia and the Baltics.

Hot-dip galvanising on cells
Hot dip galvanizing of parts up to 7m in length according to ISO1461.

Hot-dip galvanising in a drum
Hot dip galvanizing of small parts (<500mm). Also maintains the profile of the thread.

Duplex (zinc+paint)
A hot-dip galvanised surface coated with powder paint gives an even more beautiful appearance and a more durable finish.

Project “AS Paldiski Tsingipada
security of supply investments” received EU Restructuring Funding from the
NextGenerationEU funding support
The implementation of the project is necessary to increase the company’s security of supply. The project aims to reduce the company’s dependence on fossil fuels. To achieve the project’s objective, a solar power plant will be built, which will reduce the company’s fossil fuel consumption and electricity consumption from the grid and improve security of supply.
Tamount of support:
39 000 €
LIFE FitforREACH-2 Chemicals Risk Management and Assessment of Alternatives: Tools and best practices to support circularity, create more sustainable products and avoid regrettable substitution
Project number: LIFE22-ENV-EE-LIFE-FitforREACH-2/101113947